Entrepreneur, Author , Thought Leader, Visionary, Business Consultant, Speaker and Investor
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Mr.Gaurav Marya has given 21years to the franchise industry, working with several thousand brands. Awarded for many of his accomplishments, he is highly regarded as India’s foremost investor of all time. Over the years, Mr. Marya seasoned endless entrepreneurs globally helping them make informed decisions about their business growth, with expertise in alternative investments, having the successful track record of launching new businesses, delivering superior results to the aspiring entrepreneurs, fundamental analysis of the capital market, proven investing tactics, managing operations, building, and motivating teams, and finally deep diving to drive revenue and growth.

Craving a place for himself in the franchise market was not easy. As the time demanded, he adapted to whatever investment tactics worked best at the time. Mr. Marya considers his greatest achievements to be his sustained engagements with small and medium enterprises that have grown into big entities. Discipline, hard work, and consistent dedication became the basis of his successful investing career

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